Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 19 - Wild West Saga

We got up this AM, had a leisurely breakfast and then headed east. We drove a whopping 122 miles in about 5.5 hours… just my speed. We actually drove on the interstate part of the way to Wall or Wall Drug and it is prone to be known by. It is a huge tourist trap consisting of restaurants, bars and souvenir shops. The folks who own/run these places would probably take exception to my description but then that is their right.

Next we drove to the Badlands National Park. It was a 24 mile drive along a scenic route which took us about 3 hours. Yes we stopped many times and took many pictures. This land is so different from the landscape we left behind. It has a totally different beauty in its own right. As you can see from the pictures, it appears to be very desolate in places and rich in grasslands in others.

There are not many animals to be seen in the park unless one drives one of the dirt roads which I don’t want to do with the RV. We did see some Prairie Dogs and there is a big sign at the park entrance stating that they have the plaque. I guess they are no fun to play with…

We dry-camped in the park and had a beautiful view of the sunset.

And finally, for our good friend Michelle, here are some more 5th wheel pictures.

Take care y’all and see ya soon.


  1. I was wondering if you two were still alive! Glad to see you are just "moseying" along - see you soon, take care, Mary

  2. I'm glad Arda told me that you were still alive! Thought maybe something got you in the "badlands". See you soon!

  3. Love the new RV -- great pictures... Thank you Michele
