Another beautiful day! We drove the south loop today and saw totally different topography and many of the same types of animals.

First we stopped at the Yellowstone “Grand Canyon”. The falls here were spectacular especially considering this was all volcanic at one time. We saw the falls from both sides and took the South Rim Trail so we could see the gorges.

Next we saw a lot of Buffalo… the real name is Bison. Apparently the only real “buffalo” are located in Africa. The Bison are only native to the U.S. according to the Rangers here. We saw 3 Bison in particular… 2 cows and their man. Another bull came along and appeared to covet the cows. The 1st bull kept herding the cows away from the other bull. This went on for about ½ hour. They went up one hill and down another. Then they crossed the river and the road went up another big hill and then came back down across the road and swam the river. The last we saw them they were heading up another big hill. All this time the 2nd bull just kept following about 25 feet behind them. I’ll say one thing, he was persistent.
Next Astonishing Arda finally got to see a Grizzly Bear… just the way we wanted. The bear was a long way across the fields and a small creek and was heading away from us. We watched him/her for as long as we could before it disappeared into the trees.

We also saw a “sulfuric caldron” which was bubbling up out of the ground. According to the write-up this was more acidic than lemon juice and a lot more dangerous as it was also heated. The signed warned that people should not breath the vapors and if they felt poorly, to quickly move away.
A fitting end to another great day...
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