This was a short day as far as travelling goes. We got up early this AM (early for us that is) and went to the Catholic Church in Spearfish, SD. It was a nice church ( fairly new) and was crowded for a town of 3500 and 3 masses. They even have 2 priests...

We arrived at Deadwood SD after a couple of hours and decided to spend the night here so we found the Whistler Gulch RV Park. It is very nice as are the people who own it. As an added benefit there is a trolley that goes into Deadwood (it costs $1) and comes around about every 20 minutes... really convenient.
We went into Deadwood after setting up the trailer. Naturally Astonishing Arda did her thing... I think the casinos won - again! We had fun as I sat outside the casinos and people watched. I can tell you there are all types who frequent the bars/casinos. Wranlger Dave's version of the store-front Indian...
We took the trolley back to the campground and are going to have dinner - burritos -yeah!
Not sure where we are headed tomorrow but we want to stop at the Badlands National Park so we will see if we make it tomorrow - we don't want to drive too many miles.
Until next time - keep the loops open!
PS. Deze bootschap is speciaal voor Max Lammers... Max wij hopen dat je heel vlug beter wordt! Wij tellen er echt op om jullie weer te zien in een paar weken. En nu dat jij in Ome Dave zijn blog staat ben jij ook beroemt net als ik!
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