Well another great day. We didn't do a whole lot of activities today but we had fun. We went to the other side of Red Lodge to the main ranch that Dick works for. The owners, Wally and Rett, are really nice people who invited us in for a coffee and wound up giving (I would say loan but Arda is not going to give it back) Arda a cup of brown sugar and a cup of flour. You will never guess why! :-)
When we got back to Dick & Sidne's place I picked half a bucket of apples so Arda could make an apple crisp for dessert... yes she is really cooking up a storm! We have been having pot-luck with Dick and Sid and tonight we had walleye, wild/brown rice, corn-bread that Dick cooked in a Dutch Oven and cole-slaw. We ate too much but it sure was good.

This is a totem pole that Dick and Sidne carved themselves. They made this in Wisconsin over a 3 day period when they went to some Indian people who were teaching people how to do this. This sits at their cabin and unfortnately the picture does not do it justice as you can't see the detail carvings.

Here is Arda sitting on the quad during her trip up the mountain yesterday... never fear, Astonishing Arda stayed on the mountain trails and did not drive on the highway.
After supper Arda and Sid went for a 2 mile walk while Dick and I rode out to the east pasture to count the cows. We found a dead cow (3-year old) that had not been dead too long. We could not see how she died but there were no bullet holes or arrows in her (it is bow season here). I guess the bear's and other wild critters will have a feast tonight.
We all arrived back at camp about the same time and as we unsaddled, Arda & Sid made coffe and we had that with the apple crisp... yea, Wrangler Dave needed something more to eat - NOT!
Well off to the shower and an early night.
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