We also saw lots of animals... Elk cows, Bison (or Buffalo depending on what you want to call them) and a Coyote. Unfortunately pictures don't do the park or the animals justice. It is really very beautiful here.
We went to a " Ranger Presentation" last night on the earth-quake that took place at Lake Hedgen in 1959. It was very powerful (7.5 on the richter scale) and damaged every road into and through the park. There were 28 people who lost their lives with 13 still under the rubble. It also changed the completion of many areas. One example was along the river and mountain side where rock sheared off 1700' high, slide down into the river and 400' up the other side... tremendous forces.
We are off to explore more areas today and will update this site whenever we get internet.
Take care y'all.
Glad to see you made it to Old Faithful! Don't you love ranger presentations - they are always interesting - Have fun, Mary