Today was another great day. Dick Overturf is the "irrigation person" for a large ranch and he had a small job to do with his back-hoe. We drove over to the creek where a lot of debris had started to plug it up. The back-hoe made short work of the "dam".
While Dick and I were "working", Arda and Sidne went for a walk (2 miles) and then went to town to do a few chores.

Tonight we had pot-luck with Dick and Sidne. They brought fried chicken and home grown turnip which along with Arda's sweet potatoes and brocolli salad made for an excellent meal. What more can one ask for?
Not sure what we are doing tomorrow but I am sure it will have something to do with horses.
Well it sounds like a great trip, a bunch of us girls just got back from Leland - visited Kay at boot camp and had a great time, take care, Mary