Monday, October 13, 2008

Day 25 - Wild West Saga

Home again!
We arrived home this afternoon around 3:00 PM.  Once again the colors were beautiful!
Trailer is unpacked and goes in for some maintenance tomorrow.  We are going to visit with our friends Ben & Jane for a day or so before they leave for Erie and we leave for Canada.
Since we are home, this is the last posting to this blog.
Thanks to all for reading this and making comments.
See y'all soon!

Day 24 - Wild West Saga

What a lazy day. We slept in to 9:30 and then had a leisurely breakfast. We had intended to go to church but John stopped in and was having computer problems. So Arda and Jeannie went shopping (for groceries that is) and I went to help John.

We got one problem solved but the second one didn’t work out quite as well although we are very close. Finally around 2:15PM we decided the computer would have to wait as we really should get on the road.
It was a leisurely (as in mosey) drive to St. Ignace… again beautiful colors along the way. We are spending the night at Astonishing Arda’s favorite hang-out… yes the casino. She is currently in making a deposit so we will leave for home in the AM.
Tomorrow – home until Friday when we go to the cottage to help my Dad close up for the winter.
See ya soon!

Day 23 - Wild West Saga

We left Rhinelander this morning on our way to Gladstone MI. We woke up next to a cemetery… that is a first. The sun was shining and we only had about 3 hours to drive plus a 1 hour time difference. The colors were gorgeous. We have really been lucky in that we have hit the colors at their peak!

We arrived at Lindberg’s Cove Resort (Jeannie & Arda rode together across the US) mid-afternoon and were able to park our RV in their driveway. In fact they even gave us a front row seat to the lake… just as beautiful as ever.
That evening John & Jeannie treated us to the Fur-Ball Dinner/Auction/Dance. The Fur-Ball is a fund raiser held every 2 years for Delta Area Animal Shelter. A couple of police dogs put on a couple of demonstrations (little things like ATTACK (good job the guy had the suit on), finding things (no he did not find WD as a cadaver J), etc.)
The dinner was excellent and WD ate too much as it was buffet style. We bid on a couple of items but lost out to last minute bidders… one was a casino package so I guess you can’t win them all – HA!
After the auction finished, dancing started and that is when Wrangler Dave and Astonishing Arda made their exit… of course John and Jeannie weren’t in a dancing mode either.
Tomorrow it is off to the Mackinaw bridge area…

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 19 - Wild West Saga

We got up this AM, had a leisurely breakfast and then headed east. We drove a whopping 122 miles in about 5.5 hours… just my speed. We actually drove on the interstate part of the way to Wall or Wall Drug and it is prone to be known by. It is a huge tourist trap consisting of restaurants, bars and souvenir shops. The folks who own/run these places would probably take exception to my description but then that is their right.

Next we drove to the Badlands National Park. It was a 24 mile drive along a scenic route which took us about 3 hours. Yes we stopped many times and took many pictures. This land is so different from the landscape we left behind. It has a totally different beauty in its own right. As you can see from the pictures, it appears to be very desolate in places and rich in grasslands in others.

There are not many animals to be seen in the park unless one drives one of the dirt roads which I don’t want to do with the RV. We did see some Prairie Dogs and there is a big sign at the park entrance stating that they have the plaque. I guess they are no fun to play with…

We dry-camped in the park and had a beautiful view of the sunset.

And finally, for our good friend Michelle, here are some more 5th wheel pictures.

Take care y’all and see ya soon.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 18 - Wild West Saga

This was a short day as far as travelling goes.  We got up early this AM (early for us that is) and went to the Catholic Church in Spearfish, SD.  It was a nice church ( fairly new) and was crowded for a town of 3500 and 3 masses.  They even have 2 priests...
After church we drove the Spearfish Canyon Drive which took us through the Black Hills National Park where we saw more beautiful scenery... the pictures just don't do it justice.
We arrived at Deadwood SD after a couple of hours and decided to spend the night here so we found the Whistler Gulch RV Park.  It is very nice as are the people who own it.  As an added benefit there is a trolley that goes into Deadwood (it costs $1) and comes around about every 20 minutes... really convenient.
We went into Deadwood after setting up the trailer.  Naturally Astonishing Arda did her thing... I think the casinos won - again!  We had fun as I sat outside the casinos and people watched.  I can tell you there are all types who frequent the bars/casinos.  Wranlger Dave's version of the store-front Indian...
We took the trolley back to the campground and are going to have dinner - burritos -yeah!
Not sure where we are headed tomorrow but we want to stop at the Badlands National Park so we will see if we make it tomorrow - we don't want to drive too many miles.
Until next time - keep the loops open!   
PS.  Deze bootschap is speciaal voor Max Lammers... Max wij hopen dat je heel vlug beter wordt! Wij tellen er echt op om jullie weer te zien in een paar weken. En nu dat jij in Ome Dave zijn blog staat ben jij ook beroemt net als ik!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Day 17 - Wild West Saga

Well after an enjoyable evening and night at Hardin MT., we moved on.  We didn't get very far as we turned into the site of the Custer's Last Stand.
They have a very nice museum there with lots of outdoor displays.  The people that have put this together have done an excellent job of depicting history favorably for all those involved.  Once again, man's greed prevailed when it came to the Indians and the treaties.  There are markers (they resemble headstones) all over the countryside showing where different men were killed.  Some markers have names but many of them just note that the person was part of the 7th Calvary.  There are a lot fewer Indian Markers but they all had names... at least the ones we saw.  After spending a couple of great hours looking and soaking up the history we decided to move on.

We drove all the way to Spearfish SD and are staying in the City Campground tonight.  It is a nice campground and we had 5 visitors tonight... Whitetail Deer.
It was a nice drive as we went from the mountains to the flat lands (rolling might be more appropriate) and drove through Montana, Wyomming and South Dakota.  We will spend a day or so in the Dakotas.  Along the way we stopped on the side of the road for a picnic lunch.  The temp was about 82 and windy with lots of sun.  A beautiful day.
We are going to Deadwood SD tomorrow so Arda can spend part of the day doing one of her favorite activities...
Keep the loops open.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 16 - Wild West Saga

Well today we hit the road again.  We headed north along Highway 191 to Bozeman.  This highway meanders in and out of the park and in and out of Wyomming and Montana.  The scenery is spectacular but very different from Yellowstone itself.  We felt like we were going downhill all day but in fact, we stayed at roughly the same height as our campground.  Once we passed through Bozeman (a very unique town), we decended to Billings to our current campsite in Hardin MT.
Our campsite in Yellowstone...
The view from our back window of the trailer...

It is strange to know we drove for 6+ hours and yet we are only about 100 miles as the crow flies from where we started.  The mountain scenery has given way to grassland and hills with a good portion of the land cultivated for hay (Alfalfa or Timithy), corn or sugar beets.  There is a sugar beet processing plant in Billings where they made beet sugar.
What kinda day in Yellowstone would it be without seeing an Elk... nice size bull laying in the grass. 

Tomorrow we start across country on the back roads so we are not sure when and where we will have internet.  Take care and see you soon. 

Day 15 - Wild West Saga

The day before we leave YNP.  Sad in a way because we have had such beautiful weather and have really enjoyed the scenery and animals.  The good news is that we have been able to see it.
Today we went into West Yellowstone to get on the internet, get some fuel and buy a couple of steaks for dinner tonight.  These activities "killed" the morning but oh well.

This afternoon I putzed around the trailer and truck greasing wheel bearings, lubricating locks, etc.  Just generally lazying around.
Astonishing Arda on the other hand went for a bike ride.  She rode towards West Yellowstone where she encountered 6 Elk Cows on the road.  Fortunately there were other cars around so she was able to sneak by.  She also saw a Mule Deer & and Bald Eagle on her little trip.  I say little trip but it was just over 20 miles which for Wrangler Dave it is too long!

That evening we cooked the steaks and potatoes over an open fire.  That along with a salad made a dinner fit for a king --- or Wrangler Dave - Yippee!
Wanna join me for Dinner?
Oops, Astonishing Arda already did!
It is a tough life...
Until we meet again!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 14 - Wild West Saga

Another beautiful day! We drove the south loop today and saw totally different topography and many of the same types of animals.

First we stopped at the Yellowstone “Grand Canyon”. The falls here were spectacular especially considering this was all volcanic at one time. We saw the falls from both sides and took the South Rim Trail so we could see the gorges.
Next we saw a lot of Buffalo… the real name is Bison. Apparently the only real “buffalo” are located in Africa. The Bison are only native to the U.S. according to the Rangers here. We saw 3 Bison in particular… 2 cows and their man. Another bull came along and appeared to covet the cows. The 1st bull kept herding the cows away from the other bull. This went on for about ½ hour. They went up one hill and down another. Then they crossed the river and the road went up another big hill and then came back down across the road and swam the river. The last we saw them they were heading up another big hill. All this time the 2nd bull just kept following about 25 feet behind them. I’ll say one thing, he was persistent.
Next Astonishing Arda finally got to see a Grizzly Bear… just the way we wanted. The bear was a long way across the fields and a small creek and was heading away from us. We watched him/her for as long as we could before it disappeared into the trees.
We also saw a “sulfuric caldron” which was bubbling up out of the ground. According to the write-up this was more acidic than lemon juice and a lot more dangerous as it was also heated. The signed warned that people should not breath the vapors and if they felt poorly, to quickly move away.
A fitting end to another great day...

Day 13 - Wild West Saga

Today we took the north loop from our campsite. We drove to Norris, Mammoth Hot Springs, Towner-Roosevelt, Canyon City and back to the campsite at Madison. In all it took about 7 hours with all the stops and side trips down dirt roads and out-look points. The land is a lot different to the north although it started out with more geological areas of hot springs and geysers. They soon gave way to mountains, rocks, and rivers. All of this was created either through the ice age or via a huge volcano that is 30 miles wide and 45 miles long. This volcano still exists and there are 2 domes that the scientists are watching. Fortunately they do not expect an eruption any time soon. If it and when it does erupt it will make Mt St. Helen’s eruption look like a baby volcano… not something to look forward to.
This is Gibbon Creek that is fed from a hot spring(s) and flows across the meadow.  The water is warm, warmer than the air, hence the mist.  It really is a witch's brew as Astonishing Arda calls it.

We also saw more wildlife… Bison of course and Prong-horn Antelope. Astonishing Arda still wants to see a bear so hopefully we will find one in the next day or so. Here are some pictures that speak for themselves.

Day 12 - Wild West Saga

Today was a day to get some things done in town. Fun stuff like do the laundry, refill a propane tank, buy some groceries and get my bike seat replaced… the one that is laying on the road somewhere between here and GR. We also treated ourselves to a BBQ Beef lunch… it was very good.

In the afternoon we went back to the Old Faithful area and took our bikes so we could see some of the other geysers in the area. One of these, Castle Geyser, was really neat… better than Old Faithful in our opinion. It was supposed to go off sometime between noon and 2:45 PM. Well it didn’t go off until about 4:00 PM and it lasted at least 20 minutes. Just when we thought it was going to end, it started up again. Here are a couple of the pictures from the Geyser – note the rainbow!
We also rode down to Morning Glory pond.  The colors were spectacular!
Do you suppose Ashonishing Arda got me really steamed?  HA!  Note the rainbow coming from my head...
We also went to the “Ranger Campfire” which we have done every evening. They do a really good job of presenting various topics about the park and the wildlife. Tonight’s presentation is about reptiles and amphibians – whoopee! Did you know that the Boreas Choir Frog remains in the park over the winter by freezing solid and then thawing out in the spring. It is really amazing the way the different animals adapt to this climate.
It wouldn't be a day in the YNP without an Elk.  This one was a small bull as his rack reflected this.
Until tomorrow.